Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 1 - Friday

The wifi here is sketchy. I tried for an hour last night to post a blog I had typed on my computer. I'm attempting to post through my app, as it shows I have signal now. Briefly, yesterday was great...and long. We drove an hour up the mountain from Guatemala City to San Raymundo. The roads were bumpy and the homes have dirt floors. The poverty outside the city is heart breaking. We ate King Ranch Chicken last night, claimed and made our beds in the dorms, and showered! The team is really nice and I'm still learning names. I've taken a more observational position than my usual self...but helping in any department as soon as I get the chance. The hospital is nice, and to the natives- a palace. I have a great video. Today we will have department meetings, room set ups, stock the hospital from the supply packages we brought and prepare for clinic tomorrow. We have a dentist, dental assistant, pediatrician, 2 primary care physicians, 3 pharmacists, 6-7 nurses and some students, OR nurses, 1 surgeon, 1 optometrist, and then all the support staff each physician needs. Oh, and then there's me :-) that they keep mistaking for another nurse. And, that's is just the medical personnel. Altogether, I think there is 80 people. I'll try to update again later if signal lets me. I love you all. Here are some pictures of our camp/compound, courtyard...

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